Recovery of intimacy and sexuality
Dette webinar omhandler seksuelle traumer og genopretning af intimitet og seksualitet.
Webinaret forgår på engelsk, og underviserne er hollandske Eveline Schildmeijer og Saskia Bieleveldt, som begge er psykomotoriske terapeuter, der har specialiseret sig i traumer, heriblandt andet seksuelle traumer.
In this webinar we will inform about:
In this second webinar we will focus on the how to explore and develop options for positive experiences of intimacy and sexuality.
The content of the webinar will be about the imprint of the sexual identity of the perpetrator and how to explore, identify and de-identify it with your own sexual identity. We will present the theory and a model how we work in individual therapy with differentiating your own sexual identity from the sexual identity from the perpetrator.
Besides that, we will provide psycho-education about tonic immobility.
And practical work with body mapping and explanation about working with sensate focus. All the content relates to working with recovery of intimacy and sexuality.
Det er ikke en forudsætning, at man deltog på det forrige webinar Saskia og Eveline holdte.
Webinar 24. oktober 2024 kl. 18.30-20.00
Tilmeldingsfrist 10. oktober 2024
Kursusgebyret refunderes ikke, hvis du melder fra. Læs handelsbetingelserne her.
150 kr. for medlemmer
100 kr. for studerende medlemmer
300 kr. for ikke-medlemmer
Om underviserne
Eveline Schildmeijer
Eveline is a researcher, psychomotor therapist and expert by experience. She believes that help in restoring intimacy and the experience of sexuality in people who have been victims of sexual abuse should receive more attention within mental health care. Creating this module is a first step towards this. This module brings together her knowledge, skills and experience.
Saskia Bieleveldt:
Saskia is a very experienced psychomotor and sensorimotor therapist. Over the past 20 years, she has worked within ARQ/Centrum’45 with different target groups and clients with diverse cultural backgrounds. She has now made her mark in the field of trauma and body-oriented interventions. By developing new methods and her work, she hopes to contribute to the restoration of sexual development in victims of sexual abuse.
Kursuskoordinator i DAP
Rikke Aastrup Jensen,